A business solution company

Efficiency starts with organization. 
Organization starts with Creativa Writing and Design.

We help businesses with all types of documentation by assisting in writing, formatting, and organizing. Our main specialty is the documents involved at manufacturing and production companies. Creativa Writing and Design can be your business solution company. 

Welcome to Creativa Writing and Design!

First things first...

Why do you need a technical writer for your document needs?

Why do you need Creativa Writing and Design for your document needs?

In your technical position, you have so many daily, weekly, and monthly to-do items. For most, the responsibilities of writing, maintaining, and updating technical documents and their support systems was added onto your job description secondhandedly. Document writing and maintenance takes time that you are already limited to and credentials that you may not possess.

having a technical writer create and maintain your documents helps you in the following ways:

- It allows you and your team to focus on the needed tasks for your department.
- It keeps your documents, resources, and systems up to date, efficient, and organized at all times. 
- It allows a third party to audit your systems and offer suggestions for optimization.
- It is an investment that pays for itself when your company approaches an audit deadline, company document reviews, or onboarding for new hires.

Creativa Writing and Design isn't just any technical writing business. I know how much work it takes to keep up with your business documents because I've been there, juggling my job responsibilities while maintaining all of the documents to support my job. 

I have 10 years of experience in the industries Creativa Writing and Design supports. My previous job positions include:

I understand the depth of training needed for manufacturing location employees. I have assisted in training coworkers, created training and orientation modules, and provided feedback on training opportunities as a new hire. 

I know the requirements of PSM covered facilities, ohsa audited locations, and iso certified laboratories. I have worked at both and know there are very specific requirements for any certification. 

- Synthesis and Analytical Chemist
- Compounding And Testing Laboratory Technician
- TEchnical Service and Quality Control Scientist

What is Creativa Writing and Design?

Creativa Writing and Design is a business solutions company that assists companies write, edit, organize, and maintain documents that keep their business running. We know a lot of resources are needed to keep a business active and successful. 

What kind of businesses use Creativa?

Creativa Writing and Design can work with any type of business! However we specialize in the needs of production and manufacturing companies, especially in the rubber, polymer, plastics, and chemical industries.

We have years of experience:
- writing procedures for Chemical and Analytical Laboratories
-understanding the depth of training needed for production employees
-knowing the requirements of PSM covered facilities and ISO certified labs

Do any of these sound familiar?

"Our company just became ISO certified. Where do we start on document organization and revision tracking?"

"I'm so happy for Barb and her retirement. She did everything! I hope she leaves behind some instructions."

"We have so many documents but no one to keep them up to date. If we had someone to write them, we would always be organized for our audits!"

"We are finally expanding enough to hire a team. It's so exciting! But I never thought about how I'm going to train them..."

What services can Creativa Writing and Design offer your business?

Click on a package for more details.

We offer three different Business Organization Model packages that can be purchased alone or combined together.

Visual Standards
Training Videos
Project & Company Proposals
Policy Documents
Intercompany Communications

Server folder creation
Sharepoint Organization
Email revision reminders
Revision schedule subscription
System audits and recommendations

Work instructions
Visual standards
Policy documents
Standard operating procedures
Intercompany communications

We know how much effort, time, and dedication it takes to keep a business efficient and organized. We have years of experience doing it!
Let Creativa Writing and Design add efficiency and organization to your business.

The Document Creation and Revision Package is our main model to assist with resource creation and formatting. We take an existing document or assist you in creating one, format the document to your needs and preference, and supply you with an organized, clear resource for your business. 

Business Organization Model Packages

Package includes:

1 hour consultation meeting
Completed PDF document (package includes 3 pages)
    Additional charge of $100 per page after first 3
Video explanation of the finished document
1 Session of editing
    Additional editing costs $250 per session

Creativa Writing and Design also creates training videos, modules, tutorials, and informational shorts. Any procedure, work instruction, or manual can be transformed into a training video. 

Priced at $1,000

1 hour consultation meeting
Completed video (package includes 5 minutes)
    Additional charge of $100 per minute after first 5
Video explanation of the finished product
1 Session of editing
    Additional editing costs $250 per session

Priced at $1,000

Package includes:

Visual Standards
Training Videos
Project & Company Proposals
Policy Documents
Intercompany Communications

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Business Organization Model Packages

Server folder creation
Sharepoint Organization
Email revision reminders
Revision schedule subscription
System audits and recommendations

Once documents and resources are created or updated, the next step is storage and review. This is a crucial step that is often overlooked or forgotten. Creativa Writing and Design can work with your company to create a new document storage or update your existing platforms. This can be virtual, paper, or both and in many media forms. 

Customers receive 10% off their system organization maintenance package when purchased with the document creation and revision package. 

$100 per month
$300 quarterly
$500 bi-annually
$1,000 annually

System Organization Pricing starts at $500
    System creation pricing varies depending on size of
    system, number of platforms, and frequency of

Creativa Writing and Design works with companies to create revision and audit schedules. An email reminder subscription can be purchased based on the number of revision reminders needed. 
    Additional pricing required for any needed edits,
    creation, or reformatting after auditing. 

Customers receive 10% off their system organization maintenance package when purchased with the document creation and revision package. 

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We know how much effort, time, and dedication it takes to keep a business efficient and organized. We have years of experience doing it!
Let Creativa Writing and Design add efficiency and organization to your business.

Business Organization Model Packages

Work instructions
Visual standards
Policy documents
Standard operating procedures
Intercompany communications

Looking for the perfect format to help present your documents? Creativa Writing and Design assists companies with template purchases. We offer a range of document types that already have an efficient and organized layout and design.  All template purchases come with an instructional video on how to best utilize the template for your document. 

Template examples available upon request and during the consultation meeting.



Work instructions
Standard operating procedures
Policy documents
    Invoices, quotes, letterheads


Intercompany communications
    Newsletters for company announcements and updates

Visual Standards
    Offers safety protocol and visual checks to an area or
    pick of equipment
    Audit template for visual standards can be purchased        separately for $1,000

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We know how much effort, time, and dedication it takes to keep a business efficient and organized. We have years of experience doing it!
Let Creativa Writing and Design add efficiency and organization to your business.

Work Flow

Contact us to schedule a consultation meeting

Ready to work with Creativa?

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Client Work

Client Work

Client Work

Marketing and Admin


Creativa Writing and Design Office Schedule

Email at


Consultations can be scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays.

Thank you for your information! 

We will contact you soon! 

Ready to work with Creativa?

Thank you for your information! 

We will contact you soon! 

Find out more about me and how Creativa got started

Behind Creativa Writing and Design

Hey, I'm Cate!

I'm the owner, writer, and designer behind Creativa Writing and Design. I'm here to help businesses find solutions to their document writing, editing, and organizational needs. 

I have worked in analytical laboratories and customer technical service my whole career in the rubber, plastics, and chemical industries. I know the effort, time, and dedication it takes to keep documents and resources up to date in order for a company to run (because I was the one doing the updating!)  I decided to start my own business geared toward those industries to help with all business solutions needed to keep their business efficient and organized. 

Behind Creativa Writing and Design

A little about me

I love to read! I try to read something every day. My top genre choices are mystery, drama, and suspense. There is nothing better than a great page-turner you can't put down! If that adrenaline rush isn't available, I'll pick up historical fiction, self development, or classic literature.  

Animals are the best. From a young age, I have always had a connection and appreciation for animals of all shapes, sizes, and kinds. Like most kids, I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew Up. Instead I have had pets all my life and I'm the proud mother of a rescue pup and kitty.

We live in a beautiful world, and I enjoy spending time outdoors. My childhood was an environment of my grandparents' farm, our backyard and surrounding woods, and yearly trips to very rural Canada. I like planting and taking care of flowers and veggies, walking daily around our neighborhood, and enjoying the sunshine, patio, and company of my husband and son. 

I have been a drawer, doodler, and painter since I was a kid. It's a fun form of creativity that I wish I had more time for. I took Group Drawing lessons for over a year in my twenties, and it was so fun and fulfilling! I even submitted a charcoal drawing in the local fair, a bucket list item checked off!